Below is a list of references we have compiled over the years.

Name Company / Organization Project Name Phone #
Dennis Smith George Auch Company, Avondale High School 248-334-2000
Mark Vizena Campbell/Manix. Auburn Hills Community Center 248-354-5100
Jeff Stachowiak Barton Malow, Chippewa High School 586-723-2260
Matt Wiktorowski City of Novi, Powers Park Ballfields 248-361-3148
Robert Fox City of Birmingham, Springdale Park 248-644-1807
Kevin Lampton Site Development Inc., U of M Football Stadium 248-583-1200
Dennis Smith George Auch Company, Fenton High School 248-334-2000
David Kampo Skanska/Rewold, Rochester Schools 248-601-1295
Bruce Kilmer Midwest Landscape Group, Fraser High School 248-613-6584
Melvin Cross Barton Malow, Fraser High School 586-879-2175
Lindsey Rem Barton Malow, Southfield High School 248-213-1822
Leah Bossert Barton Malow, Lake Orion Schools 248-814-0211
Scott Nemecek LaSalle, Inc. Sam's Club 734-394-0650
Dennis Smith George Auch Company, Auburn Elementary 248-334-2000